Providing Certainty in an Uncertain World: Learn How Covid-19 has Impacted Municipal Bonds
David Loesch, Principal, and Co-Owner of The DRL Group, Fixed Income Specialists, discusses how COVID-19 has impacted the Municipal Bond Market and shares his insights for confident fixed income investing in this erratic economic climate.
David addresses:
• The differences between the current market environment as compared to the 2008 Financial Crisis.
• How & why Bond Fund & ETF’s were affected more severely relative to individual bond ownership and how they added to the volatility of the fixed income markets
• Current market challenges and how they are impacting the municipal bond markets.
• Current and past volatility as it relates to the municipal bond markets
• How the Municipal bond insurance companies have been impacted by COVID-19 and the stimulus packages presented by congress.
• Why all municipal bond insurance is not the same – know what you are buying while understanding the underlying credit quality of the security.
• What exactly does buying on the bid side of the market mean and how this will increase your yields.
• The DRL Group’s approach to buying municipal and corporate bonds